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This week's lesson sparked a question inside of me: Are you courageous enough to face the "giants" that life presents to you? Joshua did not back down from the giants but confronted them and destroyed them! This resulted in the children of Israel receiving even more property!
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WEDNESDAY, Aug. 30. Num. 14:6-10, 35-39.
Joshua’s faith. Israel had believed the negative report of the ten spies. But Joshua and Caleb believed the promises of God above all else. They called Israel’s response “rebellion.” We all have faced situations that test our trust in God’s provision for us.
Question: When you encounter such situations, do you turn to God in faith or away from Him in fear? The Lord is always with us.
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“TUESDAY, Aug. 29. Ex. 24:12-13; 32:15-18; 33:9-11.
Moses’ servant. Joshua was learning from Moses how to approach God, how to pray to God, how to worship God, and how to listen to God. This faithfulness to serve was the training ground for Joshua’s future service for the Lord. God raises the next generation of leaders the same way today. We call it discipleship. Who poured into you as a young believer? Are you pouring into the next generation?”
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Great lesson this Sunday. I’m encouraged to continue to fight!