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Writer's pictureTess Adams

Annual Block Party

Hey Sis! 

Sorry I missed You ALL last week...

LIFE happens, yes? 

But despite the challenges of Life, we always get back in the fight, OKAY!

And it definitely feels GOOD to be back! 

But speaking of challenges of life... Remember that 'Hot date' I told you about?


When I say God is the TRUTH...

Let me tell you what happened. 

For those of you who missed that post - quick recap. 

I had a dream. 

About my ex 

In the dream he had a 'loved one who had died

And it seemed as if he had 'changed.' 

And so, I felt the dream was prompting to give him a call. 

So, I did. 

His Uncle DID die. 

And He DID stop drinking, which is definitely progress. 

But, Girl! 

He hasn't CHANGED! 

NOT At ALL, Sis! 

Go ahead and laugh, 

Cuz, I'm laughing my butt off, too.. 

Because CLEARLY, I heard the dream wrong! 




So, please follow me.. 

In Numbers 12:6-8, God says, 

"Hear now my words, If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord, make Myself known 

to him in a vision. I speak to him in a dream." 


I have the spiritual gift of prophecy. 

Why would God give this amazing gift to Me? 

I have no idea. 

You'll have to ask God if and when you see Him (smile) 

But Trust 

I wasn't always comfortable CLAIMING it either, 

In fact, I even tried hiding from IT all together. 

But in Romans 11:29 it says 

"The gifts and calling of God are without irrevocable.

Which means God CHOSE me, Sis. 

And once I embraced that, He began to really reveal things to me in Dreams.


This doesn't mean I always UNDERSTAND the message I SEE in the dream, 

at least, Not Right Away! 

So, when I reached out to my ex, I WAS supposed to. 

I had some things to confess, and it gave much needed healing to ME and HIM. 

Chains were broken and weights lifted!  


But me agreeing to go to dinner with him? 

Oh, that was ALL ME, Sis.  

God didn't show me ANYTHING in that dream about going anywhere!!  


But you'll be happy to know, I didn't GO! 



Because God is the TRUTH, Sis!   

And He loves Us enough to show US the TRUTH 


We are open to HEAR the Truth. 

After our first talk, My ex called me again.  

But when I say he was on some OTHER stuff. 


This Joker told me he would marry me AGAIN 

just so we could have sex. 

Yes, GIRL.

But this is where God is the Truth! 

God was revealing the 'intentions of the heart' of this man

WARNING me, through his foolish talk! 

And I Listened. 

He called me a third and final time, 

but before calling him back 

I got on my knees and PRAYED. 

And I heard God say, 'Just Listen.' 

And when I did, 

Sis, it was like listening to the SAME MAN 

I met over 10 years ago! 

He hadn't grown or matured. 

Laughing at his same corny jokes, OMG! 

Girl, I swear, he said the EXACT SAME WORDS he used to say!  

Sis, it was almost heartbreaking.

But I was completely OVER it. 

I heard him out. 

Told him it was nice to catch up, 

And when I hung up... I BLOCKED Him. 

Period, Sis. 

Who don't have time for the foolishness is Me!  

And neither do you. 

God gave me this dream, so I could confess my faults and move on. 

But He ALSO gave me the Dream, 

so I would share my experience on this blog 

And help someone else find freedom, as well. 

Philippians 3:13 says, 

"....Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forward unto what is before me" 

You KNOW who you ARE, Sis. 

And you know you're wasting time with this man from the past. 

He's STILL doing the same 

He's STILL sounds the same 

Because he IS the SAME. 

And it's time to let go and move forward? 

A few years back, me and my sisters had a "Block Party" 

We made a collective decision, 

To let go of the men in our lives 

Past or Present 

Who we KNEW were NOT God's will 

Those taking up space.....

Playing Games! 

And slowing Us down. 

What would your life look like?

If you let go of the past and present drama 

And really walked BOLDLY into your future? 

God WARNED me, because HE had better for me. 

He has BETTER for you too, Sis. 

But you can't have Better, when you're still holding onto Bozo. 

Let's declare today February 28th 


And the Party has already started... 

Are you coming? 

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Count me in!!!

Block Party Time 🥳 🤩👀

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