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Writer's pictureTess Adams

Don’t Get Caught Slipping’

Don’t Get Caught Slippin’

Hey Sis, guess what? 

I met a MAN!!! 

And GIRLLLL! Not just any man.

I mean a refined...





Man of the living God!! 

Of course we met at church…. 

He is part of the leadership team, and can preach the word of God with such passion that after hearing him do only a 5 minute sermon, Chile, I was born again.....AGAIN! Okay?! 

When I say brother is fine, he is FOINE! Seriously.  

Ladies, I barely stand it when he approached me after service one Sunday. 

He listened to me so intently, and spoke with such wisdom and reverence toward God that it took everything in me to contain my composure. 

He was a complete gentleman, and I was so impressed. 

But when I went home that night, I was troubled in my spirit. 

Overwhelmed actually, with a plethora of emotions.  





And I didn’t understand where all this was coming from?

So I got on my knees, and I began…. To…. pray.

Next day, I thought I was good, but then I found myself 'imagining' things.... 

That if I can be honest, THINGS that you aint never supposed to be 'imaging' about folk at the church. Okay? 

What was wrong with me??!!

First, I thought it was from all the Christmas movies I'd been watching all weekend, since they're always about finding love at Christmas, right? Lol 

Then I thought it was the devil trying to torment me with a spirit of Fear - because I was really tripping ya'll and carrying on in a way that showed me I needed serious help to shake whatever this was off of me. 

Finally, I began to cry out to God to deliver me from whatever this was that was 'attacking' me. 

Early the next morning, is when I got my breakthrough, when I stumbled upon Colossians 3:1

        "If ye then be risen with Christ, set your heart on things above where Christ is ​​​seated at the right hand of God. " 

Ladies, when I say that word 'IF" jumped off the page like a backhand to the mouth!

And as the tears rolled down my face - I received a spiritual reality check that hit me like a ton of bricks.

What was I doing getting all caddy about a man at the church, IF I am really…. risen with…. Christ? 


And I know some of you are thinking, what's wrong with that, Sis?  

You're a woman of faith and you deserve love and happiness, right? 

But at what cost? 

You see, what I didn't tell you about this man is that he is almost 10 years younger than me. 

Yes! I know right! 

What I also didn't mention, is that I am a woman who has already been married and divorced 3 times to men who were ALL much younger than me, just like this man. 

Do you see the pattern? Because I sure did. 

The devil doesn't tempt you with what you don't like. 

And apparently, young, fine men, are my pleasure. 

And because of this I struggled in toxic relationships for many, many, many years. 

I thought marriage made me an honorable woman, because I desired reformation after years of substance and self-abuse. 

But the truth is, I STILL did it wrong. 

I didn't pray and ask God for his guidance regarding any of these men. 

Nor did I wait on God to send my husband to find his wife.  

In fact, I didn't even have a 'real' wedding or walk down the aisle of a church, if you wanna know. 

Instead, I jumped over the broom three time (literally and spiritually) 

By jumping hastily into 3 marriages I ruined my opportunity to wait for my Boaz, because I settled for Bozo as my Bishop would say. Lmbo! 

So let us be clear Ladies, there is no RIGHT way to do a wrong thing. 

Unless we enter into the marriage covenant according to God's design, then we are doing the wrong thing! 

And when we do, we risk harming ourselves and others 

Harming our kids 

But worse of all, we risk sinning....against...God through our rebellious actions. 

When I finally surrendered my life to Christ, I gave it ALL to him. 

My past sins

My past pain

And my past desires! 

And in exchange, Jesus gave his life for me, and now I have mercy for all my transgressions. 

But mercy doesn't give me a free pass to go back and try to 'do it right' now 

My newfound singleness is what I call consequence of my sins. 

I have been renewed by Christ, by the transforming of my mind, so I have been given a new birth so I am risen with Jesus!  

So, me running around like a school girl fantasizing about a some man, almost 10 years younger than me, instead of focusing on Heavenly things where Christ is seated, is a lure and a trap from the pit of HELL 

And I rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus! 

Don't get caught slippin, Ladies!  

The temporary pleasures of this world are not worth selling your eternal soul. 

Jesus came to set us FREE! 

And in Galatians 5:1, He reminds us, 

    "Stand fast therefore in the liberty of which Christ has made us free, and do not be ​entangled again with a yoke of bondage. "


For those of you who are single, please keep yourself pure, and know that God sees your living sacrifice, and He will reward you in due season with a godly husband, if you wait on the Lord. 

For those of you who are married, I encourage you to pray that God renew your marriage daily, by renewing you as a woman of worth, who loves her husband as genuinely as Christ.... loves.... you.    Let go of your husband’s past sins, Sis, so you can move forwardin newness of life, you came this far with him, don’t give up now! 

And for those of you like myself, who have been married and divorced.... 

Continue in the word of God, so the truth of His word can set you free from your many infirmities. Please read and pray about the following:

Matthew 19: 8 - 12    Mark 10:11- 12   Luke 16:18 * I Corinthians 7: 10 -11

I pray this truth in this blog, helps you find the healing and freedom you need, to move forward as a woman of God, faithfully committed to serving Him with your life until Christ returns.  Amen 


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29 de nov. de 2023
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas.

just what i needed to read


29 de nov. de 2023
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Beautiful, Tess! This was what I needed to hear today. Thank you ❤️


29 de nov. de 2023
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Great comment from a great woman name Tess. Really enjoyed the read. Luv😍u.


29 de nov. de 2023
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Yasss! Its time for real talk, between real women!


29 de nov. de 2023

This is powerful and REAL to life.

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