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Writer's pictureTess Adams

Don’t Hate the Player, Change the Game

Don't Hate the Player, Change the Game 

Hey Sis! 

Guess who has a Hot Date

Not really. 

But sorta.  

I'm going to dinner with my ex-husband. 


Because God is Good..... duh! 

Let me tell you about it. 

First, I had a dream. 

Not a Martin Luther King, Jr. dream, 

even though I have those too... 

but a real life

go to sleep 

and have a dream, DREAM. 

And my EX was in the dream. 

But he was DIFFERENT  

In a good way....

In the dream, we told me a close friend of his had passed away

but said he was doing good. 

And he LOOKED really good, in the dream.  

In fact!  

He was sober in the dream - which he NEVER was when we were together 

He was glowing in a way that was almost Angelic - something I've NEVER seen

He was even talking to the kids about the goodness of Jesus -

which is something he NEVER did in the past! 

Weird, right? 

Then I woke up and felt in my spirit like I was supposed to give him a call. 


The devil is a LIE!  

Girl, I wasn't feeling NONE of that! 

Because I instantly started to dwell on our horrible past together  

The infidelities

The drunken fights

Losing the house 

The OWI"s, courts and groups

Girl, It was TOO much! 

So, I dusted my shoulders off, and decided that was NOT the move 

And continued on with my day 

But then something else happened..... 

I sat down to read my daily devotional, that was titled 'Walking in Destiny' 

And the spirit of the Lord fell in my dining room. 

The writer shared how the enemy used physical sickness as a weapon of attack against her 

She also talked about how it was during these moments of physical weariness 

That God would prompt her to 'reach out' to others in need 

She admitted that this challenged her to move in faith and obedience 

But said, that every time she reached out as God had prompted

She not only did she DELIVER a word of hope to others 

But as she did, she was IMMEDIATELY DELIVERED from her own sickness. 


That's Amazing, RIGHT

So here I am, reading these words and thinking about this dream

And the tears of conviction began to roll down my face. 

I knew I had to call this man. 

Even if I didn't understand why.  

But Sis! 

When I did.....God did something AMAZING for ME too! 

And it proved to be just as delivering for ME and him as well!  

My ex and I have been divorced for 7 years. 

We shacked for 5 years and were only married for 2 years 

Because we were both some IGNORANT drunks 

When I say ignorant, I mean IG-NENT! 

At the time, I blamed him for EVERYTHING 

Because let me tell it, I wasn't a DRUNK like him 

And I thought could stop whenever I wanted to 

But I didn't. 

And truth is, we were on some 'drunken foolishness' regularly

We met in the bar 

And cut up every weekend and then would go sit in the church on Sunday. 

It was a MESS!  

I'll admit, Sis, 

I did some shameful things while drinking. 

But when I called him after this dream, I realized that God had blessed us both 

In so many ways - Including with our divorce. 

He told me he hasn't had a drink for over two years now. 

Which is funny, because I, too, have been delivered from drinking since our divorce. 

Do you see the POWER of GOD?  

He also told me that hasn't been able to trust another woman, because of me. 

That was hard to hear... 

But not devastating 

But I knew he was telling the truth

Girl, the drunk me, was something else.  

So his words didn't really hurt - but actually revealed the reason for my call 

In Matthew 5:23 - 24 - Jesus tells us: 

"If you are bringing a sacrifice unto God, and remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come offer your sacrifice to God.' (NLT) 

What if God was prompting ME to reach out because He had already gone before me? 

And the same way He had delivered us both from drunkenness 

HE was now afforded us BOTH an opportunity to be made WHOLE 

But HEALING us from the pain we still held FROM each other? 

When I told my ex about the dream, he told me his close friend DID just pass away 

Two weeks ago! 

GIRL! God is the TRUTH!

And HE prompted me to call this man, because HE was about to CHANGE THE GAME!  

Even though I didn't understand it at the time, 

I'm really GLAD I obeyed his voice. 

Because my ex and I had a really good talk. 

And as I confessed my faults to him, and He received my apologies with gladness. 

I realized how much WE both needed this. 

When I hung up the phone, I felt LIGHTER and STRONGER

In my mind, body and SPIRIT! 

And I hope my ex did too!! 

He lives in Atlanta now, but we agreed to have dinner next time he's in town for a visit. 

So, it looks like I've got a hot date, Sis!  

But not one for a 'hookup' 

One for purpose! 

Why hate the player, when YOU can change the game? 

Making amends with my 'brother' is what Jesus commanded 

Because he knows, that when we hold onto the pain of the past 

We are keeping ourselves in a painful prison of the mind. 

And this Year - SIS,  I'm setting myself  FREE

Because Jesus DIED so we could ALL be FREE INDEED

Forgive them, for they know not what they do, right?  

Girl, WE know all the words and It's time WE live by them...  

SO, I pray, that this man continues to prosper in God, even as his soul prospers 

And that He is able to heal fully and have trust in women again - in Jesus name. 

GOD releases his POWER when we are Obedient. 

And if God's grace is sufficient for me, then it is for him as well.  

So no more hating the player, Sis, 

It's time WE CHANGE the GAME

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