Rise and Shine, Sis!
Today's word is "FRIEN(D)ENEMY".
Do you know what Frien(d)enemy is?
I didn't either.
In short it's someone who APPEARS to be your friend
But who is actually being USED by the Enemy
and therefore now considered a Frien(d)enemy.
Do you have any of these people around you?
Probably so.
And if you're like me, you probably didn't even notice it at first.
But today, I am encouraging you to BE WOKE today!
Because, eventually, I had to accept this hard truth.
And I want you too, as well!
In Jesus Name.
Before you start 'calling' people out, "You're A Frien(d)enemy!
Let's take a deeper look into this..
Because I've discovered that this is NOT really a 'PERSON' problem
But rather a SPIRITUAL problem
What the bible calls 'spiritual warfare'
And spiritual warfare is just like any other WAR
It's a BATTLE.
But in this battle,
THE WAR is fought between light and darkness....
Good and Evil...
God and the Devil...
And BOTH are fighting for.... your..... SOUL!
In Ephesians 6:12 - the 'real' enemy behind this spiritual war is exposed:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
That's interesting huh?
Because this means, there's not only a Devil
But it tells us that this devil has his own Army
And it suggests that there are multiple levels of attack...
Principalities - lowest level
Powers - next level
Rulers of Darkness- mid level
Spiritual Wickedness - Highest level
So you mean to tell me!
That ALL the issues, challenges, and drama I have faced
Weren't really caused by the 'PERSON' who it seemed to involve
But were actually spiritual attacks from the devil's
You got it!
And unfortunately, Satan is still using the same tricks even today.
Did you know that 99.9% of the issues in our world
are caused by our conflict with ONE WITH OTHER?
Political conflicts
Drug abuse
Even Lying?
GIRL! Do you get the picture?
And in ALL of this conflict
Is where a Frien(d)enemy is formed.
I call it the 52 Fake out.
Remember that from football?
It's where the ball APPEARS to be passed to someone,
but it ISN'T
And while everyone is DISTRACTED
and chasing the WRONG person
Who they THINK has the ball
The person who REALLY has the ball,
is running down the field
Making a touchdown!
52 Fakeout!
The devil uses a Frien(d)enemy to do the SAME THING.
He uses people, issues, or challenges to DISTRACT us.
And then,
While we're so FOCUSED on the person,
involved in the Drama or Issue
The REAL enemy is somewhere behind the scenes
halfway down the 'field'
celebrating his TOUCHDOWN.
So the question remains....
Do you have Frien(d)enemies?
And if so, How do you handle someone
you know is there for your harm, and not your good?
The answer is simple,
even if it's not popular.
Remember in Matthew 5:44 -45, 48 - what did Jesus say?
" You have heard it said, Thou shall love thy neighbor, and hate your enemy.
But I say, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That you may be the children of your Father which is in HEAVEN....
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect."
I know you heard that, right?
Jesus said we must LOVE, BLESS, DO GOOD and PRAY
for our enemies.
So that includes our Frien(d)emies, too right?
Sis, I didn't say it was easy...
And trust me, I still fail at this myself
Because saying it and doing it are two different things.
But it was the last thing that Jesus said was the most powerful!
He said,
"pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you"
in this thing called Spiritual WAR.
Don't overthink it
Don't dwell on it
and Don't complain about it
Allow GOD to deal with people.
Friends or Frien(d)enemies
And you'll Witness
His Amazing Power to transform the ENTIRE situation
all While you LOVE Them as He commanded.
When You love our Frien(d)emies,
You are doing what is pleasing to God
And since We are His people
and the Sheep of His Pasture
WE must obey His Word, right?
And Today's Word is:
LOVE thy Frien(d)enemy!