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Writer's pictureTess Adams

Making Moves Monday!

Morning, Sis! 

Do you know what today is? 

TODAY is Making Moves MONDAY!! 

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, but in case you didn't...  

Today is a NEW Day!  

And we are moving forward as WOMEN of GREATNESS! 

Time for a Wellness Check IN! 

CHECK IN #1: What are You expecting? 

Expectation is a powerful tool. 

To expect something is to anticipate it to happen. 


So what are YOU anticipating to happen this week?

Is it something amazing? 

Something life changing? 

Something there something Impossible

You're expecting to happen? 

Or just the same ole same old.  

Because expectation is not an option 

It is a DAILY occurrence 

And since expectation is indicative of what we DO.  

Then what you are EXPECTING 

can actually have a positive or negative impact

On what you will RECEIVE.  

So for those expecting another "Busy week at the office" 

I promise, that's exactly what you'll get, 

Another week of chaos and pandemonium.

For those expecting "A Big Deal to go thru" 

Congratulations! Your BIG DEAL is already in the bag, 

because of Your high expectations

And for those expecting "Absolutely nothing' to happen this week

Then please enjoy your time in your lounging chair

Because absolutely NOTHING is going to happen, 

unless you expect it TO! 


Once we EXPECT things to happen -  

That expectation, automatically puts ACTION in motion

Like a microwave set to heat an item for one minute... 

Our expectation heats things up 

OUR faith in God 

OUR strategy 

OUR coordinating resources 

OUR collaborating with the right persons 


The Timer goes off... 


And you begin to LIVE on the LEVEL of what you've been expecting! 

Is it time to set a NEW expectation, Sis? 

Because, Little action equals little expectation

and Big ACTION equals Big EXPECTATION. 

Time to Make a MOVE! 

CHECK IN #2: What fears are YOU battling?

Yes, I said it. 


And it's time we address the pink elephant in the room. 

Because regardless of how Amazing we are as Women

And We are. 

Or how many credentials or Alphabet letters we have behind our names. 

And We do. 

We ALL battle with FEAR from time to time

And Fear appears to be twice as challenging for women 

Because women seem to be naturally inclined to suffer from ' low self-esteem' issues. 

And because of this, we spend MORE time than we should 

Attempting to appear 'Strong' externally 

In an effort to 'hide' our weaknesses. 

And this is where FEAR resides. 

FEAR tells us, this is a competition with other women, when it's not. 

FEAR tells us, We have to do more, in order to BE more. 

And We don't. 

FEAR tells us we can FAKE it, until we MAKE it. 

But, I'm sorry, Sis, 

This isn't true either. 

How do you FAKE greatness? 

I'll wait.... 

Because You don't. 

You CAN'T! 

Why would You want to fake it, when you can BE it? 

Matthew 23:11 (KJV) says: 

"But he who is greatest among you, shall be your servant.  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted" 

So to become a woman of greatness doesn't mean we won't have 

Flaws or Imperfections or even FEARS. 

It means, that We EMBRACE these, 

Because we recognize that these   

are what make us HUMAN. 

Or should I say, 

What keeps us HUMBLE.  

And Humility is where we learn to SERVE. 

And it's by being willing to SERVE one another

rather than compete with them.  

That We become WOMEN of GREATNESS 

by being WOMEN who SERVE. 

Stop wasting time battling with FEAR, Sis! 

LOVE yourself 

EMBRACE your flaws 

COMBAT fear thru humility

and BECOME a woman of greatness by 

SERVE others with gladness! 

Let your expectation of better 

Lead you to do better this week! 

Make That MOVE, Sis! 

Until next time... 

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