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Writer's pictureTess Adams

The Power to Manage the “Witch” Swich

The Power to Manage the 'Witch' Switch

Being a 'Witch' is easy. 

And you know what WITCH I'm talking about, Sis... 

The one that really begins with the letter 'B' and ends with somebody getting their feelings hurt. 

Don't trip, Sis. 

I'm no exception. 

And despite all the Holiness I believe I have living in me.  

There's still a little witch, that lives in me too, okay?

Which reminds me of a devotional I read about 'Heaven'. 

Yes, I did just jump from witches to Heaven, stay with me, Sis. (smile)

It was inspiring hope by reminding the reader, about the glories of heaven,

It also reminded us to not get lost in seeking the materialism of 'this world' but to hold on to the 'hope to come' that is only found in our eternal home with God. 

It's funny, though, because I've read these types of devotionals before, and I'm sure you have as well.

But what does this mean for us Today though? 

When we have real problems RIGHT HERE, and RIGHT NOW? 

When the bills are overdue. 

Kids are working your last nerve.  

And things are so CHAOTIC, and the WITCH, is ready for battle? 

Does the idea of Heaven still sound as appealing? 

And when we read such devotionals, does it remove the frustrations of now, or do the never-ending struggles give us an excuse to Be more witchy? 

Probably not!  Lol. 

But that's because in the face of any frustrations, it's easy to lose sight of the right perspective

Frustration is frustration, and don't you let ANYONE tell you, that you don't have right to get mad. 

Did you know that God gets mad? 

Ask Noah. (smile) 

And since we know that God is never hypocritical, please know that He would not tell us NOT to use something He gave us.  


And anger, is a RIGHT, my dear, that every woman has to use. 

Including you!   

BUT, there's a catch! 

WE can only when use it with the RIGHT perspective. 

In Ephesians 4:26 is says: 

    ' be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath'


This demonstrates our right to get mad, but it also gives us the right perspective on anger so we are careful not to allow this emotion to rule us or dominate our livelihood longer than it should. 

Let's take a deeper dive. 

Be angry, means just that, it's okay to be mad FOREVER. 

It's a natural emotion that let's you know you are still human. 

But then the scripture continues, by saying 

    "....and sin not:" 

Uh oh!  Now this is where things are get interesting!  

Getting mad is one thing, but sinning because we're mad, is an absolute, No, No

Which means I don't get to say hurtful things, just because I'm mad, nor do I get to do inappropriate things just.... because..... I'm.... mad.  

You know how we do. 

And this is where the WITCH shows up. 

But God gave us his Holy Spirit, and it is His spirit that gives us the power of SELF CONTROL

So mad or not, Sis, you have the power to control your words and your actions. 


So getting angry is not an excuse for the foolishness we do. 

Let's keep reading.  

 "let not the sun go down on your anger,"  

Which simply put is work through our issues quickly.  

Sound too difficult? 

Think about it like this... 

Everyday begins with the rising of the new sun, and the setting of the old one, right?

What if we view the rising of the new sun as the BIRTH of a new day, and the setting of the sun as the PASSING AWAY of the old one.  

You ready for this new perspective?! 

If tomorrow is gone, just like our loved ones who have passed away.  We can never go back to it or ever see it again.... It - is - OVER!  

Then why wouldn't the same be true about the thing (or things) that made you angry yesterday?? 

Sis, it's time to let it go! 

The sun rises, and a new day begins with new problems and we get angry. 

No biggie, because God says we can be mad, as long as we don't sin or stay mad long, okay? 

So, instead of arguing, screaming or fighting about it, which leads to saying hurtful things, harming others or ourselves, which is sin, 

Instead we must decide to DEAL with our emotions, Sis.   

Remember, self -control? 

Which means You CAN control your WITCH SWITCH, 

No more excuses, Sis! 

If you need to cry, then cry! 

If you need to take a walk, then walk it out. 

But take whatever steps you need, to get a handle on YOU

THEN!  You can address the problem, (or person) without all that emotion, 

which helps us deal with today's issues, TODAY instead of taking them into TOMORROW

Remember the sun rising?

It will also set, Sis, guaranteed!  

So what God is saying, is by the time it does, your anger should be settled as well, because you dealt with it effectively. 

This is the power of managing the WITCH SWITCH! 

Congratulations, on your new arrival!  

Heaven is a place of grandeur and splendor, and the bible promises that once we get there, God will dry every tear from our eyes, and we will no longer experience pain of any kind. 

But until we get to Heaven, let's walk intentionally and willingly in the power of this new perspective. 

Realizing, that when tomorrow's sun rises, you have the power to rise with it.  

A new life

A free mind

And a heart clear of the pains of yesterday! 

It's almost 2024, Sis, and we are DESTINED to do, to be and to have  SO... MUCH....MORE!   

And since TODAY is all we have, let's leverage our power to BE WONDERFUL rather than WITCHY. 

It's time to Manage that Witch Switch, Sis.   

    Come on, Girl, YOU - got - this!  

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