Time to Level UP!
Hey Sis!
Guess who's going to take her exam for her Real Estate License?
Girl, I am so GEEKED, I can barely stand it!!
Do you know what this will mean for ME?
For my family?
For all of you taking this journey with me??
In this ONE defining moment....
Packaged in the form of a simple test...
My ENTIRE life will shift
Be transformed!
AND in essence, LEVEL UP!
Perhaps, I should start from the beginning
and tell you the entire story?
I had a dream.
In the dream I was in a room by myself.
A house actually.
I noticed a front door and another separate door.
The front door had a filthy mattress up against it.
When I say filthy, it was DISGUSTING.
It blocked the complete entrance of the door as if I couldn't exit that way.
And I couldn't.
Because in the dream, I realized this door represented my past.
And the filthy mattress reflected all the dirty parts of it.
So I knew going that way wasn't an option.
The other door was next to me, on the same level.
It was closed
But for some reason, I knew, that if I opened this door
That the devil was behind it.
Almost as if, staying on the 'same level' would be to entertain the 'same devils'
So I looked in another direction and I noticed
A large staircase
It was HUGE!
and I noticed that it ascended up to such a HIGH level
That you couldn't see it, until you got there.
So you know what I did, right?
I started to climb the stairs.
And once I did, it was as if, I had a hand over my eyes
Because as I took each stair, I did so BLINDLY.
Needless to say, eventually I arrived to the top
Surprisingly, without tripping on any of the steps
But funny thing was, when I reached the top
I was met by a group of people I had NEVER seen before.
Complete Strangers!
And what was even stranger,
was the fact that I started sharing my life
story with these people, and guess what they did?
And then I woke up.
Now, for those of you who know my testimony
You know I've had quite a few challenges in life.
From Addiction, Affliction, Self -abuse, Toxic relationships, and Incarceration.
BUT God, right?
So, me telling my story in the dream was one thing,
But what I couldn't understand was why these 'strange people'
were so quick to celebrate my story, UNTIL.....
I met them in REAL LIFE!
You see these strangers are the ones who hired me
to be a Real Estate agent on their team.
And I although I had this dream some time ago,
I recognized these people when I met them recently.
Because God says it's TIME for me to LEVEL UP!
Do you understand what I'm saying to you, Sis?
Me passing this exam is not just about just having a career change.
I have been on a journey called 'LEVEL UP'
During this ENTIRE process.
But not one, to just 'level up' in my finances,
Or one to 'level up' my network
BUT one where I LEVEL UP, in my relationship with GOD!
Level up in my prayer life,
Level Up in my fasting,
Level Up in my giving,
Level UP my faith!
David ran to battle line, to go up against a GIANT of a man
Who was three times his size, and more experienced as a warrior.
BUT, David had a different LEVEL of faith!
And this different LEVEL of faith, gave him a different LEVEL of expectation!
And He walked out what he believed, until he
LIVED on the LEVEL of his faith!
During my excursion to the top of the staircase,
I walked seamlessly, without misstep, because I trusted God in that dream.
And now, in Real Life, I STILL Trust HIM!
As I reflect over that past 30 days since this job offer,
I see where God has ushering me to a new LEVEL of faith.
A new level of fasting and prayer
A new level of seeking Him and trusting Him.
A new Level of Expecting the IMPOSSIBLE!
As part of the application process for this new role, I was required
to undergo a background check.
I told them Everything about my past, Sis!
Because I BELIEVE!
And this dream came to my remembrance.
So I know GOD is Taking Me HIGHER!
And guess what?
I was RIGHT!
They STILL want me on the Team,
All I have to do is PASS.... THE....TEST!
So, Ladies, please join me, in honoring my GOD
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
The God who sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world.
The God who is NOT a man that He should lie.
The God of amazing grace and whose favor goes before Me.
The God who speaks those things that are not
as though they were!
May the word shown to me in this dream
Go FORTH, and not return unto HIM void.
And to my God be the Glory, Honor, Power and Dominion
In Jesus Name!
I absolutely needed this today! Ephesians is one of my favorite books in the Bible. It reminds us of who we are in Christ Jesus and How we should behave in the Face of adversity and God's unchanging hand.