My Grandmother was a prayer warrior. She had a dedicated space in her bedroom that was reserved for prayer and daily devotion. We were taught as toddlers never to disturb Grandmother during her prayer time. She also taught US how to pray when we were young children. My Grandmother also taught us the importance of keeping your prayer requests before you. Hanging over her prayer space was her “ treasure map”. The map was a poster of the things that she wanted God to provide for her or things that she needed God to do. As she received her requests, she checked them off. As I began to seriously study the Word of God, I understood that what she was doing was in line with Habakkuh 2:2-3- She was writing her vision and making it plain. My Mother also made her “ treasure map” when the 8 of us lived in a 3 bedroom flat. She brought the map with her when we moved into our home and let it hang in her room on the center wall. She also believed in the power of prayer! When Mom made her transition, I found the map in the back of her closet. I was in awe that she had received EVERYTHING on the map.
I followed in the path of both my Grandmother and my Mother. As a college freshman, I cut out pictures of what I wanted God to do for me. I mounted those pictures on a board and hung it in my room. It traveled with me to EVERY space I resided .After all, I knew that Psalm 37:4-5 said that God would grant the desires of my heart. Imagine my confusion when everything but one thing was checked off. I began to question my faith because I felt as though God was ignoring me. Later, I felt as though God was punishing me. It was only after I dug deeper into the Word that I began to understand that neither narrative was correct! The truth was that God had a purpose and a plan for my life ( Jeremiah 29:11) that was greater than my plan.
I realized that the one thing that I wanted had to be specially crafted for me because of the assignment God had for my life. It was not and has not been a comfortable space for me but it is the RIGHT space for me as a yielded vessel to God’s plan. Yielding to God’s plan will certainly disrupt your plan…However, HIS plan is better and more rewarding. When things don’t go as planned , remember Isaiah 55:8-9- God’s thoughts are on a much higher level than ours. Trust HIM with the plan for your life! As Luke 12:32 tells us, God doesn’t hold good things from us because it is a delight to HIM to give them to us! No, God hasn’t forgotten you…He has the Masterplan for your life….And if you yield to it, you will be blessed!